Asset Management

The integrated services at Avignon Capital enable pre-acquisition business planning, which allows our asset managers to hit the ground running with the value-enhancing activities.

Our active asset management approach aims to deliver the best results through varying market conditions. We can successfully identify when a business plan needs to be adjusted to respond to changing macro and micro market conditions, thus enhancing income or capital growth.

The personal approach at Avignon Capital allows our asset managers to have a direct relationship with clients and tenants. Our clients, therefore, have a good understanding at all times of how their assets are performing.

Our asset management services include:

  • Lease renewals / re-gears
  • Asset repositioning
  • Capex programmes / development
  • Performance Reporting
  • Market analysis
  • Prepare assets for disposal

Contact Us Today

7 Cavendish Square

+44 (0)207 299 7850

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